Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Celebrities and Churches Embrace Ayahuasca’s Psychedelic Appeal

Imagine a wave of interest sweeping over the Hollywood Hills and beyond, as celebrities and churches alike are captivated by the mysterious allure of Ayahuasca. This psychedelic tea, with its origins deeply rooted in ancient Amazonian rituals, has captured the attention of those seeking a transformative experience. While it is legally used in South American […]

Published on February 3, 2023

New Research Finds Antidepressants Not Effective Against Chronic Pain

In a world full of band-aids and pain relievers, it turns out that antidepressants may not be the magic pill for chronic pain after all. A recent investigation into the effectiveness of these medications reveals that they may provide little relief for individuals suffering from persistent pain. Despite their widespread use in treating depression and […]

Published on February 3, 2023

Sugar is processed differently in the brains of obesity-prone vs. obesity-resistant rats

A new study tracked what happens in the brains of rats in real time in the brain when presented with glucose, a type of sugar, labeled with a tracer. The tracer allowed the researchers to measure this new sugar in the brain. Read Full Article (External Site) Dr. David LowemannDr. David Lowemann, M.Sc, Ph.D., is a co-founder […]

Published on February 2, 2023