FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Natural nutrients, known as "nootropics" can create measurable improvements in brain processing abilities. Combining them may give a superior effect even in healthy adults, unlocking enormous additional mental potential.
A groundbreaking new study commissioned by the Institute for the Future of Human Potential (IFHRP) suggests ginkgo biloba and acetyl-l carnitine may work together to improve energy, focus, and recall above baseline levels in healthy adult subjects. While many turn to addictive substances like caffeine or sugary treats to get them through the day, it appears all you may need is an all-in-one supplement.
What does this mean for the savvy consumer? The study recommends choosing a supplement with safe, all naturally sourced nutrients, such as Inteligen Advanced Brain Formula
Choosing a supplement with 100% all natural ingredients ensures the nutrients can work together to enhance energy and stabilize acetylcholine levels. Products that deliver essential amino acids, and B-vitamins may assist in the overall impact of ginkgo biloba and acetyl-l carnitine.
For the duration of the study, 72 healthy adults from ages 18-35 were divided into four groups. Each group was randomly assigned a supplement containing ginkgo biloba, acetyl-l carnitine, both ingredients, or an inactive placebo pill. Participants engaged in tri-weekly laboratory cognition tests for 24 weeks, and multiple self-assessment questionnaires on their cognitive performance.
"Natural nootropics together effectively help your brain 'breathe better'" – Dr. David Lowemann, M.Sc, Phd
Extract made from the leaf of the ginkgo biloba tree has been used for thousands of years to enhance recall abilities. In the standard association memory tests conducted, participants taking the ginkgo alone did show marginal improvement over their baseline abilities.
However, participants taking the combination ginkgo biloba and acetyl-l carnitine supplement showed the greatest associative and implicit memory boost, as well as significant improvements in their tri-weekly concentration evaluations.
Acetyl-l carnitine is a key component in maintaining the human body's energy levels. Used by your body's mitochrondria or "energy factories", this nutrient is often diminished by the demands of the modern world. An absence of this natural substance is commonly responsible for poor concentration and focus in adults.
Dr. David Lowemann, who acted as research supervisor on the study says: "This is the first experiment to suggest natural nootropics together effectively help your brain 'breathe better'. Combining these nutrients together, and with others may create a boost to energy levels, memory, and attention abilities over time".
As more research is done on natural nootropics, it's likely that other deeply beneficial congruencies between them will be scientifically supported. Mental performance enhancement is the forefront of modern science, and the remarkable benefits of these supplements are now available to everyone.
Feel unfocused and unproductive? Click here and try Inteligen!
Advanced Brain Formula. Boost Brain Performance
Carlos Missoni
Yaaa...if you can get em together for a good price, it ca'nt hurt to add to your stack IMO. Using the free bottle first so we'll see
Like · Comment · 18 · May 23, 2016 at 08:15pm
Gary Travis
May 27, 2016 12:55pm · Like
Lakhmas Mujadra
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Like · Comment · June 3 at 02:41pm
Victor H
Cool study bro
Like · Comment · 6 · July 2 at 06:10pm
© 2025 BETTER/SMARTER.ME, A division of the Institute for the Future of Human Potential
200 First St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905 | 1-800-328-IFHP
IFHRP research has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or any government agency.
IFHRP research is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
Haley S
I've been buying both Ginkgo Biloba and Acetyl-L Carnitine supplements separately and taking them every day.
I feel like it really gives me more "get up and go" for my day.
I might check out Intelligen since it has the two nutrients together.
May 24, 2016 11:37am · Like