Just like a superhero’s power-up potion, researchers have stumbled upon a natural memory-boosting compound found in edible mushrooms! These remarkable fungi contain a special ingredient that stimulates nerve growth and improves memory. It’s as if these mushrooms have the ability to magnify our brain’s capacity, enhancing our ability to recall information. Think of it like […]
Published on February 10, 2023
Imagine a superhero swooping in to protect the city from a nefarious villain. Well, silver diamine fluoride is like that superhero, but for your teeth! A recent study showed that this liquid treatment, brushed onto the surface of teeth during a school dental program, was just as effective against cavities as the traditional dental sealants. […]
Published on February 10, 2023
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Driving through the industrial outskirts of Sacramento, a stretch of warehouses, wholesale suppliers, truck centers, and auto repair shops northeast of downtown, it’s hard to square California’s $18 billion investment in homeless services with the roadside misery. Tents and tarps, run-down RVs, and rusted boats repurposed as shelter line one side of […]
Published on February 9, 2023