Just like a fiery spice that wakes up your taste buds, ginger contains a compound that jolts our immune cells into action. In laboratory tests, scientists discovered that a small amount of this pungent ginger constituent causes white blood cells to be on high alert. It turns out that this process involves a special receptor […]
Published on February 16, 2023
In the fascinating world of the brain, social isolation is like kicking all your friends out of your house. Animal models have shown that when you’re all alone, your brain can experience some memory and learning difficulties. Turns out, the most abundant brain cell, called the astrocyte, goes into hyperactivity mode during this lonely period. […]
Published on February 16, 2023
Imagine you’re a lifeguard trying to keep everyone safe on a crowded beach. Suddenly, you notice a child struggling in the water, desperately in need of help. You can’t just let them continue to struggle and risk their safety. That’s exactly what is happening with children and teenagers in mental health crises across the country. […]
Published on February 16, 2023