Imagine if your voice had a Fitbit! Researchers have created a breakthrough smart wearable device that can sense when your vocal cords need a well-deserved break. Similar to how a fitness tracker monitors your steps, this postage-stamp-sized device attaches to your upper chest and detects the subtle vibrations of your voice. It then wirelessly sends […]
Published on February 22, 2023
Imagine a brand new car fresh off the assembly line, but missing a crucial component that makes it run smoothly. That’s what happens to the immune systems of prematurely born babies. Researchers have figured out why these tiny fighters are at a disadvantage when it comes to warding off infections. It turns out that their […]
Published on February 22, 2023
Imagine a world where robots take care of all your household chores, from cooking and cleaning to laundry and organizing. Well, according to AI experts, that future may not be too far away! They suggest that within the next decade, we could see a staggering 39% of time currently spent on unpaid domestic work being […]
Published on February 22, 2023