Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Research shows success of working from home depends on company health

An expert in health management shares best practices for working-from-home policies. Read Full Article (External Site) Dr. David LowemannDr. David Lowemann, M.Sc, Ph.D., is a co-founder of the Institute for the Future of Human Potential, where he leads the charge in pioneering Self-Enhancement Science for the Success of Society. With a keen interest in exploring […]

Published on March 10, 2023

Seniors with Anxiety: Why Aren’t They Seeking Help?

Anxiety in older adults is a common psychological disorder that can have significant negative impacts on their well-being and quality of life. However, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has excluded adults over 65 from their recommended screening for anxiety due to insufficient evidence on the benefits and harms of screening. This decision has raised […]

Published on March 10, 2023