The way moms and dads perceive each other’s roles as co-parents can significantly influence the psychological development of their kids. Just like a tightrope walker relies on the balance and coordination between them and their partner, children’s well-being depends on the harmony and collaboration between their parents. If there is positive and respectful co-parenting, it’s […]
Published on March 15, 2023
Just like a double punch to the gut, the combination of diabetes and tooth loss can deliver a knock-out blow to your brain health. Recent research has shown that diabetes alone can put you at risk for mental decline and dementia, but when combined with a complete loss of teeth, the potential damage to your […]
Published on March 15, 2023
Diego nunca imaginó que portaría un arma. No lo pensó cuando niño, o durante un tiroteo fuera de su casa en el área de Chicago. Tampoco a los 12 años, cuando uno de sus amigos fue baleado. La mente de Diego cambió a los 14, cuando él y sus amigos estaban listos para ir a […]
Published on March 14, 2023