Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Ovary Removal Linked to Increased Parkinson’s Risk

Like a delicate hormonal balance, the timing of ovary removal can have a significant impact on a woman’s risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Recent research suggests that women who undergo bilateral oophorectomy before the age of 43 may be at a higher risk for developing Parkinson’s or parkinsonism. The sudden loss of estrogen and other […]

Published on March 27, 2023

Art evokes feelings in the body

Just like a beautiful symphony that resonates within us, art has the incredible ability to spark powerful emotions in our bodies. A recent study has shed light on the profound impact that art has on our physical and emotional well-being. It’s as if art is a master conductor, guiding our bodies through a symphony of […]

Published on March 27, 2023

Making Sense of Natural Hair: New Measurements for Curls and Kinks

Navigating the world of natural hair care can feel like trying to find your way through a never-ending maze. With countless product options and contradictory advice, it’s no wonder that achieving consistent results seems impossible. But fear not! Scientists have come to the rescue with a breakthrough: they’ve discovered key properties of curls and kinks […]

Published on March 27, 2023