Just like how rumors can determine someone’s social standing in high school, a recent study has found that gossip plays a significant role in influencing success across different cultures. Whether you’re working in a bustling office in the U.S., a vibrant city in India, or a remote village in Africa, the power of gossip prevails. […]
Published on April 11, 2023
Most kids know it’s wrong to yell or hit someone, but what if that someone is a robot named Alexa? A new study asked kids how smart and sensitive they thought the virtual assistant was compared to a robotic vacuum. Four- to eleven-year-olds rated Alexa as more intelligent than the Roomba but felt neither deserve […]
Published on April 10, 2023
Loneliness can lead to a unique thought process, making individuals feel like ‘lone thinkers’ in a world of social connections. Just as a tree standing alone in a forest may view its surroundings from a different perspective, lonely people’s neural responses diverge from those of their more socially connected counterparts. This could explain why they […]
Published on April 7, 2023