Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

1 in 4 Middle, High School Students Misuse ADHD Drugs

U.S. schools that have a lot of students with prescriptions for ADHD medication also tend to have a lot of students who misuse the drugs, a new study suggests. Researchers found that among nearly 3,300 U.S. middle schools and high schools, some had a serious problem with… Read Full Article (External Site) Dr. David LowemannDr. […]

Published on April 20, 2023

Common infections linked to poorer cognitive performance in middle-aged and older adults

A new study found that signs of common infections in a sample of middle-aged and older adults were associated with poorer performance on a test of global cognitive function. Read Full Article (External Site) Dr. David LowemannDr. David Lowemann, M.Sc, Ph.D., is a co-founder of the Institute for the Future of Human Potential, where he […]

Published on April 20, 2023

Warning labels on menus limit high-sugar food choices

Imagine you’re walking in a candy store, your eyes are wide with excitement as you take in all the sweet treats in front of you. But then, you notice little warning signs placed next to some of the sweets, cautioning about the high sugar content. Suddenly, your enthusiasm wavers and you start rethinking your choices. […]

Published on April 20, 2023