Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Speedy Recovery for Kids with Lyme Disease, Study Shows

It’s like getting over a bad cold – most children diagnosed with Lyme disease bounce back within six months of treatment. In fact, a new study found that the majority of kids who completed antibiotic treatment regained their health within this timeframe. The study, which analyzed data from 102 children in the US, also revealed […]

Published on April 23, 2023

Climate Change: Close to Our Hearts!

Just like a beloved pet, climate change is something we hold close to our hearts. Often, organizations assume that people don’t take action because they think climate change is a distant problem in a future land far, far away. But guess what? Researchers discovered that most folks actually see climate change as an urgent and […]

Published on April 23, 2023

Cannabinoids give worms the munchies, too

Just like how humans get cravings for tasty treats after consuming marijuana, it turns out that nematode worms have a similar response. Cannabinoids, the chemicals found in cannabis, have been shown to make these well-studied worms (C. elegans) want to eat more and indulge in high-calorie foods just like us! It’s fascinating to see how […]

Published on April 22, 2023