Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Joyful music could be a game changer for virtual reality headaches

Imagine stepping into a virtual reality world that makes you feel like you’re flying through space or exploring exotic landscapes. The exhilaration and wonder are unimaginable, but sometimes these immersive experiences can leave users feeling a bit queasy. However, recent research has shown that adding some toe-tapping tunes to the mix could be the solution […]

Published on May 2, 2023

Early Psychosis Treatment: A Beacon of Hope for California Teen

In a world where whispers and shadows haunt the mind like spooky friends, one California teen found salvation in an early psychosis treatment program. Summer Oriyavong, a junior in high school, experienced hallucinations and delusions that made her feel both terrified and special. With the help of Medi-Cal, California’s Medicaid program, and the University of […]

Published on May 1, 2023

Unlocking the Secrets of VR Motion Sickness

Imagine stepping onto a roller coaster, feeling the thrill of the drops and loops as your stomach churns with excitement. Now, imagine that same feeling but instead of being on a roller coaster, you’re standing still in your living room, wearing a VR headset. Some people get motion sickness in VR games, while others don’t. […]

Published on May 1, 2023