Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Scientists Identify Brain Signals of Chronic Pain

Imagine your brain is a bustling city, with different regions communicating and working together to process information. Well, scientists have just discovered the secret codes that these brain regions use when it comes to chronic pain. By using electrode implants, they were able to identify the specific activity in the brain associated with real-world chronic […]

Published on May 22, 2023

Journalists Exploring Healthcare Topics on Various Media Platforms

Healthcare journalists are taking to the airwaves and podcasts to discuss important issues such as facility school closures, lead contamination, and mental health. In one interview, Rae Ellen Bichell delves into the challenges faced by students in rural Colorado as specialized schools shut down, likening the situation to a wild animal with its habitat disappearing. […]

Published on May 20, 2023

When Older Parents Resist Help or Advice, Use These Tips to Cope

Imagine you’re a mechanic offering advice on car repairs to your stubborn aunt who insists she knows how to fix her own engine. You don’t want to steamroll her or take away her autonomy, but you also worry about her safety. So, how should you approach the situation? Experts suggest that respecting an older person’s […]

Published on May 19, 2023