Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Phone calls: The ripple effect of social influence

Just like throwing a pebble into a pond creates ripples that extend far beyond the original splash, phone communications have a similar cascading effect on social influence. A recent study reveals that the impact of phone calls can reach up to four degrees of separation from the original caller. This means that when you make […]

Published on June 21, 2023

The art and science of living-like architecture

Imagine a futuristic world where our buildings are not just static structures, but living organisms that actively protect us from invisible dangers. A team of brilliant minds has taken a step closer to this reality by creating ‘living-like’ bioactive interior architecture. This groundbreaking research combines the art and science of architecture to develop materials that […]

Published on June 21, 2023

Electrical ‘Zap’ to Brain Limits Damage From Stroke

Imagine your brain has a hidden firewall that protects it from the destructive power of a stroke. Well, a recent study suggests that we might be able to unleash this natural defense mechanism through a noninvasive electrical treatment. By sending a gentle zap to the brain, researchers found that blood flow to the affected areas […]

Published on June 21, 2023