Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Experts Call for Action on Cabin Fumes in Aviation Industry

Imagine if you and your friends were out exploring a mysterious cave, but suddenly you realized the air was getting toxic and making you sick. That’s what some health and scientific experts are saying is happening on airplanes. They’re urging the aviation industry to do something about the fumes that passengers and aircrew are inhaling, […]

Published on May 30, 2023

Unexpected wins fuel risk taking in humans and monkeys!

Imagine you’re playing a game of chance, and out of nowhere, you score a big win. Your confidence soars, and you can’t help but think that luck is on your side. Well, it turns out that the same goes for humans and monkeys! Researchers have developed a new model called ‘Dynamic Prospect Theory,’ which combines […]

Published on May 29, 2023

Plants remove cancer causing toxins from air

In a recent study, scientists discovered that plants have a remarkable talent for battling harmful substances in the air we breathe. Just like superheroes with green superpowers, these leafy beings can effortlessly eliminate dangerous gases and pollutants, including cancer-causing agents such as benzene. It’s as if they whip out their capes and go on a […]

Published on May 29, 2023