Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Babies talk more around human-made objects than natural ones

Imagine that you are sailing through the ocean of language development. Suddenly, you come across two islands – one made entirely of toys and the other covered in natural objects. As you approach the toy island, you hear a cacophony of voices. It turns out, young children are more talkative when they interact with playthings […]

Published on June 29, 2023

Unlocking the Harmony of Math: Research Shows Music Boosts Math Scores

Just as a beautiful symphony is built by combining different musical notes, a recent analysis of nearly 50 years of research reveals that combining maths with music can elevate math scores in children. This harmonious pairing has been shown to enhance children’s performance in numerical subjects, suggesting that music may be the secret ingredient for […]

Published on June 29, 2023

Consumers more likely to use virtual apparel try-on software if interactive

Imagine if you were trying on different outfits in a virtual dressing room, but you were worried about your privacy. Well, fear not! New research has discovered that consumers are more likely to use virtual apparel try-on software when it is interactive. By making the technology versatile and easy to use, concerns about privacy can […]

Published on June 29, 2023