Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Catch like a pro by predicting movement!

Imagine you’re playing a game of catch. To make an incredible catch, you don’t just react to the ball in the moment — you anticipate where it’s going! Scientists have discovered that the skill of visual prediction is crucial for eye-and-hand coordination. Similar to how a skilled firefighter can predict the path of a fire […]

Published on June 5, 2023

Study shows promising treatment for tinnitus

Researchers have conducted a groundbreaking study on a new treatment for tinnitus that could silence the persistent phantom noises experienced by many. In a double-blind randomized clinical trial, participants were given a device designed to alleviate tinnitus symptoms. The results of the study were highly promising, suggesting that this innovative treatment could be an effective […]

Published on June 5, 2023

Addressing the Trauma of Gun Violence for Young People

In neighborhoods plagued by gun violence, young individuals like Erin Brown and Thomas Turner are experiencing the traumatic effects of shootings on a regular basis. The widespread exposure to community gun violence is being recognized as an adverse childhood experience that can have long-lasting impacts on mental and physical health. Pediatric experts are advocating for […]

Published on June 2, 2023