Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Rural Mental Health Respite Facilities Provide Life-Saving Support

Imagine you’re driving on a road trip and suddenly your car breaks down. You’re stuck in the middle of nowhere, far from any repair shops or assistance. That’s how it can feel when someone is going through a mental health crisis but doesn’t need immediate medical attention. Mental health respite facilities are like the friendly […]

Published on July 11, 2023

Hypnosis Demystified: Debunking Common Myths and Misconceptions

Hypnosis is like a magic trick for the brain, but it’s not about convincing you to cluck like a chicken. Experts are here to set the record straight and debunk some common misunderstandings about hypnosis. Think of hypnosis as a helpful guide leading you into a state of focused relaxation, allowing for heightened suggestibility. Contrary […]

Published on July 11, 2023

The Impact of Experiences on Brain Connectivity

Just like how different experiences shape and mold us as individuals, they also have a profound impact on the connectivity of our brains. This groundbreaking study in mice not only confirms what we’ve long suspected, but reveals just how massive these effects truly are. It’s like comparing the ripple effect of dropping a rock into […]

Published on July 11, 2023