Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Climate news impacts attitudes and action

Just like a rollercoaster ride, constantly hearing alarming news about climate change can leave us feeling scared one minute, but also motivated to take action the next. A team of researchers set out to understand how our emotions are influenced by repeated exposure to doom-and-gloom climate news. They found that this continuous bombardment can result […]

Published on July 7, 2023

Creative people enjoy idle time more than others

For those with creative minds, idle time is like a treasure chest filled with endless possibilities. It’s an imaginative playground where one idea can run wild and spark a chain reaction of new thoughts and inspirations. Just like a meandering river that leads to unexpected destinations, idle time allows creative individuals to explore uncharted territories […]

Published on July 6, 2023