Navigating the complex intersection of age and cognitive function, a new study reveals that most seniors facing cognitive impairment continue to take the wheel. This finding raises concerns among caregivers and emphasizes the importance of addressing this topic proactively. Just like teaching a teenager to drive, it’s crucial for caregivers to initiate conversations about driving […]
Published on July 23, 2023
Helping others in old age could be like exercising your brain to keep it fit. A new study finds that older adults who engage in volunteering have better cognitive function, especially when it comes to executive functioning and episodic memory. It’s as if volunteering acts as a mental workout, flexing those brain muscles to keep […]
Published on July 23, 2023
Just like the saying ‘what goes around, comes around,’ we now know that the struggles a mother faces during her own childhood or pregnancy can come full circle and impact her child’s gut microbiome. A recent study discovered that the composition of a 2-year-old child’s gut microbiome is influenced by the hardships their mother endured […]
Published on July 23, 2023