Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Climate Change Threatens Iconic Vineyards and Their Hillside Homes

Imagine a world where the finest wines, like artists performing a daring tightrope act, teeter on the edge of extinction. Nestled within the majestic hills of Italy, Portugal, and Spain, these prized vineyards cling precariously to the slopes, their roots digging in as they defy gravity. But climate change poses a formidable threat to these […]

Published on July 14, 2023

Improving urban planning with virtual reality

Imagine if urban planning was like designing a virtual reality game! Cartographers are using virtual reality tools, like the Unity3 game engine, to create 3D scenarios and explore different city designs. Just like game developers who test out different game levels before release, cartographers can now simulate potential changes in a city before any actual […]

Published on July 14, 2023

Participating in genetic studies is in your genes

Why do some people take part in genetic studies while others do not? The answer may lie within our genetic makeup. According to a groundbreaking study, people who participate in genetic studies are genetically more likely to do so, leaving detectable ‘footprints’ in genetics data. This breakthrough equips researchers with the ability to identify and […]

Published on July 13, 2023