Just like a protective forcefield, the sugars found in breastmilk have the power to fight infections and promote healthy births. These sugars act as a shield, blocking common prenatal infections from reaching the baby, both in human tissues and pregnant mice. By harnessing this natural defense system, we may one day prevent preterm births and […]
Published on August 9, 2023
Just like different curl patterns, hair whorl direction is determined by our genes. Scientists have conducted the first-ever gene mapping study on scalp hair whorls and found that this pattern is influenced by multiple genetic variants. Similar to how a rollercoaster’s twists and turns are carefully planned, our hair whorl direction is dictated by the […]
Published on August 9, 2023
Imagine your body as a car driving on an empty tank Sunday morning after a long week. If you think you can just rest over the weekend and fill up the tank, think again! A recent study from Penn State shows that when we don’t get enough sleep during the week, our cardiovascular health suffers. […]
Published on August 9, 2023