Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Believing in personal gut feelings and falling for conspiracy theories

People who primarily use their own gut feeling to determine what is true and false are more likely to believe conspiracy theories. That is the conclusion of researchers who have investigated the relationship between susceptibility to misleading information and the conviction that the truth is relative. Read Full Article (External Site) Dr. David LowemannDr. David […]

Published on September 9, 2023

Cold weather may pose challenges to treating high blood pressure

Like a glass of ice water on a scorching summer day, the cold weather can make treating high blood pressure a bit tricky. A recent analysis of electronic health records revealed that systolic blood pressure, the top number, tends to rise slightly during the winter months compared to the summer. It’s like trying to swim […]

Published on September 9, 2023

Moral reasoning displays characteristic patterns in the brain

Every day, life presents us with a variety of moral dilemmas. From the innocence of a hungry child to the dishonesty of a shady politician, these scenarios all trigger our moral compass. But what exactly is happening in our brains when we reason morally? Scientists have uncovered intriguing patterns in the brain that illuminate this […]

Published on September 9, 2023