Imagine trying to bake a delicious cake for your friend’s birthday. You think you’re being clever by using an AI-powered recipe generator to assist you. But uh-oh! Your friend discovers your secret ingredient and feels betrayed. A recent study unveils similar consequences when it comes to using AI to write messages to friends. It turns […]
Published on September 11, 2023
Just like a good set of speakers can make your favorite song sound even better, the glazing on ceramic tea sets can enhance the health benefits of tea. A recent study found that the choice of glaze materials affects the concentration of beneficial compounds called flavonoids in tea, as well as its color and flavor. […]
Published on September 11, 2023
Imagine you’re an old oak tree, standing tall and strong through the seasons of life. Just like a mighty oak, older people who have hobbies are found to have lower levels of depression, according to a recent study. Researchers examined data from over 93,000 individuals aged 65 or older across different countries. They discovered that […]
Published on September 11, 2023