On an ordinary day, Jason Lance received devastating news that his 9-year-old son died by suicide. The rise in child suicides, particularly among Black males, is becoming a serious issue. Research suggests that suicide ideation is not limited to teenagers and adults, but younger children are showing similar signs. Experts recommend lowering the age for […]
Published on September 21, 2023
Like a fire alarm sounding in a building, the cry of a newborn triggers a response in the brain of their mother. This response comes in the form of a flood of oxytocin, a chemical that controls the release of breast milk. Picture this: each cry from the baby is like another pull on the […]
Published on September 20, 2023
Just like a trapeze artist relying on a safety net, a new study reveals that only a third of adults in the United States did not depend on their parents for some form of material support during their journey into adulthood. Much like a tightrope walker, these adults needed the assistance and guidance of their […]
Published on September 20, 2023