In the realm of family planning, the fear of missing out plays a crucial role in motivating individuals to have children. Just as our friends eagerly post pictures of their extravagant vacations on social media, the regretful parents fear they will miss out on the joys and milestones of parenthood. It’s like standing outside a […]
Published on September 25, 2023
Imagine you’re a superhero with two types of villain encounters: ones that happen while you’re on duty and others that catch you off guard during your daily life. Well, it turns out that college athletes face worse consequences when they get concussions outside of their sport, just like superheroes fare worse in unexpected situations. Researchers […]
Published on September 23, 2023
Move over, brainiacs! Scientists have discovered that a compound called trigonelline found in coffee can majorly boost thinking skills in aging mice. It’s like giving the mice a double-shot espresso to wake up their brains! The researchers think that trigonelline works its magic by decreasing brain inflammation and restoring important chemicals that help with memory. […]
Published on September 22, 2023