Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Coffee Grounds: A Sustainable Solution for 3D Printing Waste

Imagine a world where your morning coffee not only wakes you up, but also helps save the environment! A recent study suggests that coffee grounds could be the answer to reducing waste in 3D printing. Scientists have figured out a way to create a special paste using used coffee grounds, which can then be used […]

Published on September 11, 2023

U.S. Workers Fearful of Job Loss to AI

Imagine you’re a skilled jigsaw puzzle solver, but suddenly there’s a new, super-fast puzzle-solving machine that threatens to take your job. That’s how some American workers feel about artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace. A recent survey by the American Psychological Association reveals widespread concerns among workers that AI could replace them in their jobs. […]

Published on September 11, 2023

Believing in personal gut feelings and falling for conspiracy theories

People who primarily use their own gut feeling to determine what is true and false are more likely to believe conspiracy theories. That is the conclusion of researchers who have investigated the relationship between susceptibility to misleading information and the conviction that the truth is relative. Read Full Article (External Site) Dr. David LowemannDr. David […]

Published on September 9, 2023