Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Fathers’ parental leave might protect men against alcohol-related morbidity

Taking a cue from the animal kingdom where fathers often play crucial roles in raising their offspring, a recent study from Sweden suggests that men who have taken parental leave have a lower risk of hospitalization due to excessive alcohol consumption. Just like how penguin dads take turns keeping their eggs warm and safe, human […]

Published on October 8, 2023

Brain is ‘rewired’ during pregnancy to prepare for motherhood

Researchers have shown that pregnancy hormones ‘rewire’ the brain to prepare mice for motherhood. The findings show that both estrogen and progesterone act on a small population of neurons in the brain to switch on parental behavior even before offspring arrive. These adaptations resulted in stronger and more selective responses to pups. Read Full Article […]

Published on October 7, 2023

Boost Your Relationship: Discover the Power of Intervention

Just like a neglected plant wilts without water, relationships can suffer when appreciation and gratitude go missing. A recent study delved into the factors that influence how couples perceive gratitude from each other over time. Luckily, the research shows that relationship intervention programs are like a refreshing rain for our parched emotional connection. These programs […]

Published on October 7, 2023