Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Experimental Drug Effective Against Epilepsy Seizures

Imagine you’re trying to navigate through bumpy terrain, but every few steps, your whole body jerks and throws you off balance. Frustrating, right? Well, for people with tough-to-treat epilepsy, seizures can feel like that — a wild ride that threatens their safety and well-being. But fear not! Scientists have developed an experimental pill called XEN1101 […]

Published on October 10, 2023

Goalkeepers perceive the world differently based on sensory tests

In the exhilarating game of soccer, goalkeepers have a unique mission. They must swiftly analyze their surroundings and react swiftly to prevent their opponents from achieving victory. Recent research has shed light on the fascinating fact that goalkeepers possess distinct abilities to perceive the world and process sensory information. Like superheroes with their secret powers, […]

Published on October 9, 2023

Warm Parent-Child Bonds Shape Empathetic Kids

Just like how a nurturing gardener tends to their plants, parents who form loving bonds with their children sow the seeds of kindness and empathy that will bloom in later years. A recent study involving 10,000 people in the UK discovered a strong link between early parent-child relationships and positive social behavior in adolescence. Children […]

Published on October 9, 2023