Just like how being shy at a party can affect your mingling skills, a study reveals that shyness can impact young children’s performance on language tests. Depending on the level of social interaction involved in the test, shy children may struggle to perform their best. It’s like having a choir performance where some singers have […]
Published on October 12, 2023
Just like how a thunderstorm can rearrange the landscape of a serene meadow, traumatic memories have the power to reorganize the wiring of our brains. Recent research on mice shows that fear conditioning leads to specific changes in neuronal-network activity in a particular part of the brain. These changes were observed in the dorsal region […]
Published on October 12, 2023
Just like how wearing a jacket in the morning might not make a huge difference in your day, a new study shows that preheating your car during winter has minimal impact on fuel consumption and emissions. The researchers examined the effects of preheating on vehicle fuel consumption and emissions, specifically focusing on cold start emissions. […]
Published on October 12, 2023