Move over, brainiacs! Scientists have discovered that a compound called trigonelline found in coffee can majorly boost thinking skills in aging mice. It’s like giving the mice a double-shot espresso to wake up their brains! The researchers think that trigonelline works its magic by decreasing brain inflammation and restoring important chemicals that help with memory. […]
Published on September 22, 2023
In the intricate maze of a fruit fly’s mind, decisions are made based on expectations of reward. By locating the exact spot in a fly’s brain where these calculations occur, scientists have unlocked insights into how the brain orchestrates this complex behavior. Just as a pilot deftly navigates through a storm, the fly’s brain uses […]
Published on September 22, 2023
Just like how jumping into a cold pool can shock your system, the start of the school year can jolt kids and teens with anxiety and stress. While they may be excited to reunite with friends and engage in school activities, the pressures and challenges that come with it often take a toll on their […]
Published on September 22, 2023