Like unlocking the secrets of an ancient treasure, a team of scientists has discovered evidence that suggests newborns may possess some level of consciousness from the moment they are born. This awe-inspiring revelation leads one to wonder about the inner workings of a baby’s mind and how it is shaped even before birth. It is […]
Published on October 14, 2023
Imagine if you were going on a roller coaster ride and the sign said ‘BRACE YOURSELF, THIS RIDE WILL MAKE YOU FEEL HORRIBLE!’ It would probably make you feel more anxious and fearful, right? Well, that’s similar to what trigger warnings do. You see, trigger warnings are like caution signs that warn people about potentially […]
Published on October 14, 2023
Imagine a lifetime where prescription drugs play the starring role, taking up more time than getting married or earning an education. Well, according to new research, that’s exactly what awaits many Americans born in 2019. The study found that males will spend about 48% of their lives dependent on medications, while females will spend even […]
Published on October 14, 2023