Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

When it comes to starting a family, timing is everything

Trying to start a family is like trying to hit a bullseye in darts. You need to time your throw just right in order to hit the target. Similarly, timing is everything when it comes to conception. A recent review of methods to increase the chances of successful conception found that timed intercourse using urine […]

Published on September 16, 2023

Sleeping On The Job: New Analysis Finds Optimal Night Shift Nap Strategy

Just like Superman recharges in his Fortress of Solitude, new research suggests that night shift workers can recharge with a well-timed nap. A recent analysis of studies on night shift napping has uncovered the perfect snoozing schedule to fend off fatigue and drowsiness during all-nighters. Think of it as your secret weapon for surviving those […]

Published on September 15, 2023

The Impact of Living in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods on Food Choices and Brain Microstructure

Living in a disadvantaged neighborhood is like trying to navigate a maze with missing pieces: the available foods are low-quality, filled with unhealthy trans-fatty acids; calories pile up, leading to weight gain; and the environment lacks support for physical activity. These factors, prevalent in disadvantaged neighborhoods, throw a wrench into the brain’s delicate machinery for […]

Published on September 15, 2023