Human fertilization has long been described using the metaphor of a competitive race between sperm cells and a passive egg. However, critics argue that this metaphor reinforces traditional gender stereotypes. A recent sociological study explored the use of metaphors in describing human fertilization and found that while the competitive metaphor is still widely used, a […]
Published on October 3, 2023
Scrubbing behind the ears and between the toes may help keep the skin in those regions healthy, new research suggests. The microbiome, or the collection of microbes living on and in the human body, are known to play a role in human health and the skin is no different. A new study has shown that […]
Published on October 2, 2023
Just like a beautiful orchestra, family mealtimes bring parents and children together to communicate, socialize, and form strong bonds. But what happens when work stress crashes this harmonious gathering? A recent study delves into the effects of parental job stress on family meals and how it ripples into children’s emotional and social growth. Picture this: […]
Published on October 2, 2023