Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Want to achieve your goals? Get angry

Just like a stormy sea can fuel the adventurous spirit of a determined sailor, anger can serve as a powerful driving force for individuals to conquer their ambitious goals. While some may perceive anger as a negative emotion, new research reveals its hidden potential as a motivator. Just as the rebellious winds propel the vessel […]

Published on October 30, 2023

How to Make Halloween Safe for People With Dementia

Imagine a haunted house, but instead of ghosts and ghouls, it’s the confusion and anxiety caused by dementia that’s the source of fear. Halloween can be a tough time for people living with dementia, as the scary sights and sounds can exacerbate their symptoms. However, there are ways to make Halloween a more enjoyable and […]

Published on October 30, 2023

Kids with ADHD keep diagnosis in adulthood regardless of age

It’s been said that the youngest kids in the class have it tougher – they’re small, not as experienced, and often look up to their older classmates. But when it comes to ADHD, age doesn’t matter! A new study found that children diagnosed with ADHD while young are just as likely to retain the diagnosis […]

Published on October 28, 2023