Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

How ‘blue’ and ‘green’ appeared in a language that didn’t have words for them

A new study suggests the way a language divides up color space can be influenced by contact with other languages. Tsimane’ people who learned Spanish as a second language began to classify blue and green into using separate words, which their native tongue does not do. Read Full Article (External Site) Dr. David LowemannDr. David […]

Published on November 2, 2023

Risk of viral airborne transmission peaks within 5 seconds of face-to-face encounters

Researchers visualized and measured the flow field of aerosol particles derived from exhaled air and examined the risk of viral exposure during face-to-face encounters, such as while walking, jogging, running, or sprinting. The results showed that the number of aerosol particles during face-to-face encounters peaked within 5 seconds after the encounter and rapidly declined thereafter. […]

Published on November 2, 2023

What happens when cats get fat? Scientists weigh in

Cat owners want Kitty to be happy, but providing an abundance of food and snacks can have unintended consequences. Feline obesity is on the rise, impacting the health, longevity, and wellbeing of cats. A new study looks at what happens in the digestive system and gut microbiota when cats eat too much. Read Full Article […]

Published on November 1, 2023