Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Is age linked to the picture of the perfect partner?

How do women picture the partner of their dreams? And how does this vary between women based on their age? A team of researchers has investigated the complex relationships between age and preferences for a partner in a large, international sample of single women. The study found that most preferences for a partner showed no […]

Published on December 12, 2023

A new brew: Evaluating the flavor of roasted, lab-grown coffee cells

It may soon be time to wake up and smell the lab-grown coffee made from cultured plant cells. But it’s not clear whether drinks from this product replicate coffee beans’ complex flavors. Now, a study found that some of the comforting aromas and tastes of a conventional cup of coffee could be reproduced by roasting […]

Published on December 12, 2023

LA County Invests Big in Free Virtual Mental Health Therapy for K-12 Students

LOS ANGELES — Los Angeles County public schools are rolling out an ambitious effort to offer free mental health services to their 1.3 million K-12 students, a key test of California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s sweeping, $4.7 billion program to address a youth mental health crisis. Spearheaded by the county’s Medi-Cal plans — which provide health […]

Published on December 12, 2023