Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Tree swallow study: Stressful events have long-term health impacts

Little is known about how brief yet acute stressors — such as war, natural disasters and terror attacks — affect those exposed to them, though human experience suggests they have long-term impacts. Two recent studies of tree swallows uncover long-term consequences of such passing but major stressful events. Both studies provide information on how major […]

Published on August 28, 2018

Suicide By Opioid: New Research Suggests Overdoses Should Be Classified As Self-Harm

There has been a steady stream of headlines declaring that life expectancy in the United States is decreasing. And the often-cited reason is the climbing number of opioid-related deaths. Those two facts piqued the interest of a group of researchers who sought to reframe the way these trends can be viewed. “We have a problem […]

Published on August 27, 2018

Sucralose produces previously unidentified metabolites

Sucralose, a widely used artificial sweetener sold under the trade name Splenda®, is metabolized in the gut, producing at least two fat-soluble compounds, according to a recent study using rats. The finding differs from the studies used to garner regulatory approval for sucralose, which reported that the substance was not broken down in the body. […]

Published on August 27, 2018