Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

Good sleep quality and good mood lead to good working memory with age

A team of psychologists has found strong associations between working memory — a fundamental building block of a functioning mind — and three health-related factors: sleep, age, and depressed mood. The team also reports that each of these factors is associated with different aspects of working memory. Working memory is the part of short-term memory […]

Published on May 13, 2019

Can recreational sports really make you a better student?

A new study adds to growing evidence that participating in recreational sports not only can help improve grades while attending college, but it also can help students return for another year. Read Full Article (External Site) Dr. David LowemannDr. David Lowemann, M.Sc, Ph.D., is a co-founder of the Institute for the Future of Human Potential, […]

Published on May 10, 2019

Believing machines can out-do people may fuel acceptance of self-driving cars

In order for self-driving cars to hit the streets, more people may need to concede that machines can outperform humans, at least in some tasks, according to researchers. Read Full Article (External Site) Dr. David LowemannDr. David Lowemann, M.Sc, Ph.D., is a co-founder of the Institute for the Future of Human Potential, where he leads […]

Published on May 10, 2019