Television programs featuring healthy foods can be a key ingredient in leading children to make healthier food choices now and into adulthood. A new study found kids who watched a child-oriented cooking show featuring healthy food were 2.7 times more likely to make a healthy food choice than those who watched a different episode of […]
Published on January 5, 2020
This story also ran on PBS NewsHour. This story can be republished for free (details). More than a million fewer children receive public health insurance now than in December 2017. In some cases, their parents acquired coverage at work. But researchers also see a troubling rise in uninsured children — and say the Trump administration’s […]
Published on January 3, 2020
AUSTIN, Texas — Retired state employees Vickey Benford, 63, and Joan Caldwell, 61, are Golden Rollers, a group of the over-50 set that gets out on assorted bikes — including trikes for adults they call “three wheels of awesome” — for an hour of trail riding and camaraderie. “I love to exercise, and I like […]
Published on January 2, 2020