Living Well

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle news updates and serious discussions about topics central to living well. Updated daily.

How the brain’s immune system could be harnessed to improve memory

Inflammation can send the brain’s immune cells into damaging hyperdrive, an effect that has been linked to neurodegenerative diseases that affect memory, like dementia. A new study finds these same immune cells can also be activated to have the reverse effect, powering memory and learning. Read Full Article (External Site) Dr. David LowemannDr. David Lowemann, […]

Published on February 11, 2020

‘Women my age tend to drink — it’s normal’

New research has found that despite the potential health risks of exceeding national drinking guidelines, many middle-aged and young-old women who consume alcohol at high risk levels tend to perceive their drinking as normal and acceptable, so long as they appear respectable and in control. Read Full Article (External Site) Dr. David LowemannDr. David Lowemann, […]

Published on February 11, 2020

To slow an epidemic, focus on handwashing

A new study estimates that improving the rates of handwashing by travelers passing through just 10 of the world’s leading airports could significantly reduce the spread of many infectious diseases. And the greater the improvement in people’s handwashing habits at airports, the more dramatic the effect on slowing the disease, the researchers found. Read Full […]

Published on February 10, 2020