
Active lifestyle focused exercise, diet, and physiology information from the forefront of fitness science. Updated daily.

More protein doesn’t mean more strength in resistance-trained middle-aged adults

A 10-week muscle-building and dietary program involving 50 middle-aged adults found no evidence that eating a high-protein diet increased strength or muscle mass more than consuming a moderate amount of protein while training. The intervention involved a standard strength-training protocol with sessions three times per week. None of the participants had previous weightlifting experience. Read […]

Published on March 27, 2021

Macro Calculator: Your Guide to Counting Your Macros Like a Pro

Find your macronutrient ratio for flexible dieting and “if it fits your macros.” Build a meal plan around your ideal ratio of proteins, carbs, and fats! Read Full Article (External Site) Dr. David LowemannDr. David Lowemann, M.Sc, Ph.D., is a co-founder of the Institute for the Future of Human Potential, where he leads the charge […]

Published on March 26, 2021