Imagine the brain as a complex city, with a network of streets and buildings that keep everything running smoothly. Now picture a major accident happening in this city, causing chaos and damage. That’s what happens during intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), when bleeding occurs within the brain. In this study, scientists focused on a particular component of […]
Published on February 20, 2023
Imagine you have a jigsaw puzzle with overlapping pieces. How do you separate them? Well, scientists have developed a method called the Space Breakdown Method (SBM) to tackle a similar problem in neuroscience called spike sorting. SBM is like a clever puzzle solver that identifies clusters in neuronal data, even when they overlap or are […]
Published on February 20, 2023
Ever wonder how our brains anticipate and react to the world around us? A new study explores a computational framework called active inference that mimics this process! By using artificial neural networks, researchers were able to simulate human-like behavior in a visual-motor task. They found that anticipatory changes in speed, crucial for intercepting moving targets, […]
Published on February 20, 2023