Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Cracking the Code of Cognitive Decline: Predicting Alzheimer’s with Brain-Machine Learning

Imagine trying to crack a secret code that reveals the hidden workings of your brain! Well, that’s exactly what scientists are doing with the help of machine learning. By analyzing brain MRI data and cognitive test scores, researchers have developed models that can predict an individual’s cognitive performance and detect patterns associated with mild cognitive […]

Published on February 23, 2023

The Symphony of Evolution: How Our Nervous System Dances to Environmental Frequencies

Imagine our nervous system as a graceful dancer, moving in perfect rhythm with the environment’s electromagnetic frequencies. This groundbreaking research combines the art of electrical engineering with the science of cellular evolution to shed light on the intricate dance between cells and their surroundings. By exploring the fascinating concept of resonant energy transfer, scientists aim […]

Published on February 23, 2023

Unlocking the Power of Deep Learning for EEG Time Series Analysis

Imagine trying to decode a secret message written in a complex language. The message is hidden within a series of noisy, high-dimensional signals. You could try to decipher it using basic decoding techniques, but chances are you’ll miss important details and struggle to make sense of it all. Now, imagine if you had a powerful […]

Published on February 23, 2023