Imagine a car that starts to have engine trouble before showing any other signs of wear and tear. In a similar fashion, scientists have observed that motor dysfunction, such as problems with movement and balance, often appear before other symptoms in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). However, the underlying mechanisms behind this phenomenon have remained […]
Published on March 9, 2023
The study explores the utility of new, advanced quantitative MRI metrics in brain ageing research. Like a high-resolution camera that captures intricate details, these MRI metrics allow scientists to evaluate various biological processes relevant to ageing in real time. By combining different MRI parameters, such as myelin density, cellular membrane integrity, and iron concentration, researchers […]
Published on March 9, 2023
Imagine you have a huge library of books, and you need to find a specific piece of information from each book. Now, instead of manually searching through each book, what if you had a super smart assistant who could do the job for you? Well, that’s kind of what scientists have done with integral equations […]
Published on March 9, 2023