Imagine you have a limited amount of money to spend on shopping, but your credit card keeps getting declined. Similarly, in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), an elevated platelet count inhibits the connection between brain functional changes and cognitive function. A recent study used resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to explore how blood […]
Published on March 27, 2023
Imagine you’re trying to understand a story without words. Can you tell if the characters are happy, sad, or angry? That’s what researchers are exploring with visual representations. In this study, they compared humans and machines (specifically deep neural networks) to see if both could recognize negation in images. They collected data on how humans […]
Published on March 26, 2023
Imagine your mind and body as a dynamic duo, working together to create your experience of reality. Just like Batman and Robin, they rely on each other’s strengths to defeat challenges and make sense of the world. But sometimes, we overlook the crucial role that the body plays in shaping our conscious experiences. From the […]
Published on March 26, 2023