Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Couch Potatoes and Brain Fog: The Impact of Inactivity on Cognition

Just like how sitting on the couch all day can make you feel sluggish and unfocused, it turns out that being physically inactive can have detrimental effects on your brain as well. A new study investigated the effects of selective breeding for physical inactivity and found that it led to cognitive deficits in female rats. […]

Published on April 3, 2023

Exploring Brain Activity: Single Neurons vs Neural Networks

Understanding brain activity is like comparing the functions of individual cells to the collective power of an entire organism. Neural networks, which are interconnected and interacting neural units, act as dynamic systems capable of performing complex computations over time. For instance, a network of motor cortex neurons converts signals from motor planning to execution. While […]

Published on April 1, 2023

Unlocking the Secret Language of Emoji

Like deciphering a cryptic code, scientists have delved into the conventionality of emoji. By examining their degree of conventional lexicalized meanings and how it affects real-time processing, they discovered that emoji access in the brain is comparable to that of words. In other words, emoji are not just playful digital icons; they have evolved into […]

Published on April 1, 2023