Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Exploring the Impacts of Claustrum on Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease can wreak havoc on the brain, causing cognitive deficits and dementia. One area of interest is the claustrum (CLA), a nucleus deep in the brain that plays a role in various cognitive functions like attention, executive function, visuospatial ability, language, and memory. Recent studies have found that this region is affected by the […]

Published on April 14, 2023

The Power of Interdependence in Human Cooperation

Humans, as social beings, rely heavily on their interconnectedness with others, as the actions of one individual can greatly impact the outcomes for everyone involved. This interdependence drives humans to collaborate and work together to achieve goals that would be impossible to accomplish alone. From a biological perspective, this cooperative behavior serves to enhance reproductive […]

Published on April 13, 2023

Patients with dorsal-stream lesions can perceive global shape

In an intriguing publication, Ayzenberg and Behrmann provide evidence that raises questions about the traditional understanding of how the brain processes global shape perception. They argue that global shape computation occurs in the dorsal visual stream before being transmitted to the ventral stream for object identification. However, a counterargument is posed by challenging the idea […]

Published on April 13, 2023