Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Word Length and Entity Size: Decoding Linguistic Intuition

Think of language as a playful puzzle! Imagine if the length of a word reflected the size of the thing it represents. Well, that’s exactly what happens with ‘whale’ and ‘microorganism.’ It’s like calling a massive mammal by saying two letters, or describing a tiny organism with a tongue-twisting phrase! At first, this seems to […]

Published on April 17, 2023

The Power of Iconicity in Language Learning

Imagine learning a new language as if you were solving a puzzle or playing a memory game. That’s what researchers explored in a recent study on iconicity in spoken language. Iconicity refers to the connection between the sound and meaning of words, and it is often thought to make language more memorable. To investigate this, […]

Published on April 17, 2023

The Impact of Waist-to-Calf Ratio on Cognitive Function in Older Adults

Just as a tight waistband on pants can restrict your movement and make you feel uncomfortable, a high waist-to-calf ratio (WCR) can have negative effects on the cognitive function of older adults. In this study, researchers wanted to understand the link between WCR and cognitive function, as well as the potential mediating factors involved. The […]

Published on April 17, 2023