Imagine the brain as a powerful computer, but not just any computer. It’s like comparing a supercomputer to your old flip phone! Scientists are trying to understand how consciousness and neural computation are connected. They focus on the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for the features of consciousness like information processing and action initiation. This […]
Published on April 17, 2023
Imagine you’re trying to solve a complex puzzle, but instead of just diving in and moving the pieces around randomly, you take a step back and create a model of the puzzle in your mind. This model allows you to predict how certain moves will affect the outcome, guiding you towards a successful solution. In […]
Published on April 17, 2023
Imagine you’re in a music class and you’re learning to recognize different melodies. Just like how our brains chunk words and images, researchers have developed a clever model called TRACX2 to simulate how we perceive melodies. This model, which has been successfully used for speech and image processing, trains itself to recognize short sequences of […]
Published on April 17, 2023